Evaluate Your Marketing Efforts


It is said that the true definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. Nowhere is this saying more true than in the application of our marketing plans. Many of us deliver the same marketing pieces day-after-day, month-after-month, and even year-after-year. We do not change our approach because either we are receiving some benefit or even though we are not receiving any benefit, we do not have time or expertise to evaluate and make adjustments.

Truly effective marketing plans require constant evaluation and adjustment. The targets you are trying to reach are changing constantly. The economic conditions creating the needs for your targets are changing constantly. Even the mediums through which you are attempting to reach these targets are changing constantly—especially because of technological advances. So doesn’t it make sense that your marketing plan must change as well?

What must you evaluate? Here are a just a few areas that will need monitoring:

•The goals of your marketing;
•The quality and quantity of your present responses;
•The timing of your marketing actions;
•The message you are delivering;
•The value of your offering;
•How your actions are linked to each other to achieve maximum synergy; and,
•The way(s) in which you are reacting to responses to your marketing actions.

Do not get the impression that you must start over again every month with a brand new marketing campaign. The need for evaluation does not override the message of consistency. The changes you make might be minor. Making minor adjustments on a monthly basis makes much more sense than complete overhauls once every two years.

Do not let your marketing plan become stagnant. Look at the competition, other industries and keep up with changes in economic conditions and technology to stay on top of where you need to move. A five percent improvement in response rates each month can double your income in just over one year. That is real results instead of insanity.
