Builder Email – Specialization

I truly believe that a major requirement of success is to master the art of specialization. I have succeeded in the lending arena as a specialist in new home sales for many years. I have done this by first gaining expertise regarding the needs of new home purchasers and area builders. This expertise has been utilized to help devise ways to add value to the new home sales and purchase process. 

How is value added to this process? There are many ways I believe I can help increase your income and make your life easier. Here are just a few: 

    • I help our builders increase their conversion rates and their lead generation through a wide variety of services including dissemination of your project information throughout the real estate community. These services include fast on-site pre-qualification and twenty four hour instant pre-approval online, the dissemination of educational materials for you and your prospects, and special finance training for sales agents.
    • I can help my builders sell more homes because of my company’s unique new home finance menu—including long-term locks, one-close construction-to-permanent loans and no-money down mortgages.  Many builders with “in-house” lenders refer me deals they cannot finance on a regular basis

Rather than talking about this value, I prefer to demonstrate to you more accurately what I can deliver. Therefore, during the next several weeks I plan to send you a series of materials that are designed to help you better understand the services that are available and contain valuable marketing tips that are designed to help you sell more in less time.  I look forward to your feedback in the coming weeks.
