Many loan officers in America have been dismayed at their company’s reaction to the new compensation regulations. Granted, these regulations do change the way loan officers get paid. We believe that two areas have become most important in order for loan officers to be able to earn what they are worth.
Flexibility. Loan officers need to be able to choose their compensation levels concurrent with pricing sheets periodically so that they can match their desire to be competitive with their ability to make deals happen. Our loan officers retain significant flexibility while maintaining compliance with the new compensation regulations.
Volume. With revenue-based compensation not part of the equation, loan officers have a compelling need to increase their volume. Our pricing flexibility, complete product line and marketing support systems are exactly what loan officers need to rebalance the compensation equation.
We can’t change the rules. However, we can implement solutions to take advantage of the flexibilities allowed. And that is exactly what we do to benefit our sales force. Want to go over our plan? Contact me.